Our Vision

Make the World to a better place!

We want to digitalise, change, improve and simplify the world.

We want to restructure the world of work and implement the creation of new values, so-called benefits for our employees and customers.

Capitalism exploits everything to make profit, at the expense of the people and resources that live with them. We want to change this in the RBTF world.

Environmental Protection - Medical Rescue and Global Defense

We want to stop the destruction of our environment and thus preserve the diversity of species and plants. To this end, we have founded our own NGO to be able to fight against this problem, emgprd.org = RBTF NGO of enviromental Protection – Medical rescue and Global Defense MTÜ.

We also want to provide emergency medical aid such as care and treatment for those affected in crisis areas and emergency situations.

With our NGO, we also want to answer the question of what we can do as civilians in the event of a physical or cyber war.

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